Sydney Spine & Sports Clinic

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How often should I attend a chiropractic appointment?

In short: it depends!At Sydney Spine and Sports Clinic, we are passionate about educating you to make informed choices about your health. As such, we want to impart as much knowledge about how you can confidently manage your own health and wellbeing. We believe that attending chiropractic appointments for routine adjustments are part of achieving that. Let us explain.

What is your treatment goal?

First, step back and consider what you’d like to achieve during your appointment. If you are attending your first visit, you can expect your chiropractor to discuss your main concern and symptoms, past medical history and family medical history. Then, a postural evaluation as well as a neurological and orthopaedic assessment will be conducted before a treatment plan is discussed with you.During this discussion, your chiropractor will ask you what your treatment goal is. Are you simply just looking for immediate pain relief, or are you interested in incorporating preventative maintenance into your road to recovery? We will support you to achieve your goal, whichever direction you choose to take.

How do we determine treatment length?

The length of your treatment plan depends on your treatment goal, plus a bunch of other health variables. For example,

  • What is your treatment goal?

  • Is your injury severe, moderate or mild?

  • How would you describe your level of pain: major or minor?

  • Is your concern new, or ongoing?

  • How often is your condition impacting your ability to complete day to day tasks?

The best way to determine your required course of treatment is to attend a chiropractic appointment. At this consultation your personal complaint can be reviewed, diagnosed and managed effectively.On average, a sequence of appointments is required. Your spine usually takes a few adjustments to return to its normal function.

Do you recommend regular maintenance?

As chiropractors, we attend regular appointments with our own chiropractors to maintain our own spinal health. That said, your own approach depends on your personal situation and treatment goal. Please do get in touch with us if you’d like to know more.

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At Sydney Spine and Sports Clinic, we put you first. We believe in offering chiropractic care that enables you to make informed and educated choices about your health. If you are suffering pain and would like to talk to us about how we can help you get mobile and active again – get in touch to book a chiropractic appointment right here.