Sydney Spine & Sports Clinic

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Protect your back: Finding the Right Newborn Prams

Calling all expectant parents! Preparing for a new addition can such an exciting time. As you enjoy the ever-expanding belly complete with little kicks and jabs in pregnancy, use your “nesting” time to choose essential baby items that will support you and your growing family. You know, while you have the time to research! The truth is that every day physical discomfort can be part and parcel of parenthood. Holding your baby, breastfeeding your baby, settling your baby, picking up and setting down your baby – the list of physical tasks you’ll perform from the get-go is endless. They all can contribute to common parental discomfort such as lower back pain, hip pain and shoulder pain. Along with learning how to carry your baby well, you should also follow good technique to help protect your body from wear and tear. In this blog, we look at how to choose a pram or stroller that meets your needs too.

How to choose a pram

With an abundance of newborn prams and strollers on the market to choose from, narrowing down the right pram for you and your family can be an overwhelming task. When considering how a pram’s features can benefit your baby, remember to include must-haves that help protect your health and wellbeing too. We suggest:

  • Adjustable height settings

    We all come in different shapes and sizes. Therefore, it’s important you choose newborn prams that allows you to adjust its height for both you, your partner, and anyone who pushes your pram. This will help prevent slouching and incorrect distribution of your weight. Without the correct pushing posture (see below) you could be susceptible to lower back pain.

  • Know the weight

    When selecting a newborn pram, ensure you know how much it weighs. Right from the get-go you will find you are folding down, folding up, and lifting your pram in and out of car boots. For new mums, it’s important you keep this in mind in your postpartum period. When you are strong enough to lift your pram, ensure you do so with your knees (not your back) after bringing the pram as close to you as possible.

How to push a pram safely

Walking is a great activity for you and your baby. A little cardio workout for you, and fresh air and views for your little one. However, you could easily twinge an injury or accidentally contribute to the wear and tear of your body without the correct technique. Remember to:

  • Keep good posture:

     Keep your body upright, ribs in, engage your core and look ahead to where you are going (not at the ground).

  • Don’t overstretch

    Have your elbows bent and wrists straight when pushing. Ensure your hips are close to the pram. 

Bonus tips

  • Try walking with the pram before buying. A common issue is walking with your normal stride and bumping your foot into the back of the pram.

  • Test out the pram's off road (aka. off footpath!) ability

  • Ensure your pram can fit in the boot of your car!

  • Can you push the pram one-handed so you can drink your coffee or smoothie?

Learn more

At Sydney Spine and Sports Clinic, we put you first. We believe in offering chiropractic care that enables you to make informed and educated choices about your health. If you are suffering pain or injury and would like to talk to us about how we can help you get mobile and active again – get in touch right here.