Sydney Spine & Sports Clinic

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Total body workout: 5 sports that deliver an overall exercise session in one go

It’s not new news that regular exercise is a critical component to manage your health and wellbeing. Yet, it can be the first ball dropped we juggle life’s challenges. So, instead of giving up your exercise routine completely, consider a total body workout solution instead. You get more workout for your buck, per se.The beauty of a total body workout is that you can activate all the major muscle groups in just one exercise session. Whether you prefer to exercise solo or with friends, outside or in – there’s various sports that tick all the boxes. Here’s five we love:

  1. Swimming

Swimming is a great all-ages sport. It tones all your major muscle groups whilst your body is completely supported (buoyed!) by water. A great aerobic workout, swimming can help you maintain your weight, boost your immune system, and improve your posture.

  1. Boxing

The ultimate strength and cardio combo, boxing is another great sport for a total body workout. In addition to building muscle, this increasingly-popular activity helps keep you trim and lean too. In true total-body-workout-style, boxing is great for your mind too. You will be totally present as you exercise – you can’t mull over your to-do list in the back of your mind as you box. Or, it’ll be a knockout. Yikes.

  1. Cycling

Another great exercise all-rounder, cycling helps improve strength, balance and endurance. A good cycling session gets your blood pumping, builds muscle and burns calories. If road cycling isn’t for you, try indoor cycling.   There’s no free-wheeling, coasting or physical obstacles – you just ride!

  1. Running

Running is a great aerobic exercise for boosting your physical and mental health. It can help improve heart health, reduce stress and alleviate depression. What’s more, running costs nothing (or very little) to get started – all you need is a pair of properly fitted running shoes.

  1. Team Sports

Team sport can be a great way to get a total body workout with your mates. Whether you choose tennis, squash (racquetball), soccer, hockey or basketball – these sports get your heart rate up as your muscle groups get a workout. Organised sport also helps improve your mental wellbeing too – it boosts self-esteem, keeps you connected to your social circle and helps improve your sleep quality.Now, if one of these five suggestions didn’t inspire your exercise, you could also try bouldering, rock climbing, wall climbing, skipping or a HIIT workout. Just get moving!

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At Sydney Spine and Sports Clinic, we put you first. We believe in offering chiropractic care that enables you to make informed and educated choices about your health. If you are suffering pain and would like to talk to us about how we can help you get mobile and active again – get in touch right here