Sydney Spine & Sports Clinic

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Do you lack energy in the afternoon?

Fight the 3pm energy slump with these five health and exercise tips

 Whether you spend your day at work in an office, in a store or in your car visiting locations across town -- one of the most typical parts of an average workday is the afternoon slumps. You can almost set your clock by it. At around 3pm, you can lack energy, concentration, and the verve to smash those last few goals in your day. But there are ways to beat it. 

Do you get the afternoon slumps?

 Afternoon slumps are common because they can be caused by reduced blood flow around your body. After all, your body is designed to move regularly. So, if your workday is sedentary, your body is essentially just slowly winding down throughout the day due to its limited activity. Cue the snooze. 

How to not feel tired in the afternoon

 If you lack energy in the afternoon, fight it by adding short movements or exercise to your day.  Regular movement creates blood flow -- this also helps improve your joint functionality which in turn reduces the everyday build-up of physical tension in your body.  So, instead of reaching for coffee or a sugar fix to pep up your PM, try these five health and exercise tips: 

  1. Get active

You can add exercise to your workday in several ways. You can switch out sedentary tasks for active ones: take the stairs instead of the lift, have a walking meeting rather than sitting in a conference room, or walk to a colleague’s desk to discuss a work topic rather than call them. Don’t forget: your lunch break is a great window to incorporate a workout into your day too. 

  1. Straighten your posture

Good posture can positively affect your attitude, feelings, and self-perception. It makes you feel upbeat and confident. Plus, if you switch your slouch for good posture whilst sitting you can also reduce your risk of back pain, shoulder pain or headaches. 

  1. Eat wisely

If you lack energy after lunch, it could be that your blood sugar is crashing. Instead of boosting it with caffeine or sugar, choose a healthy, protein-packed snack to help give your body the power it needs for the afternoon. Some good choices include mixed nuts, fruit, wholegrain crackers, hummus and vegetable sticks, or protein balls. 

  1. Drink fluids

Keep alert and motivated at work by sipping water throughout the day. Choosing to hydrate yourself regularly is a natural way to fight fatigue whilst also boosting your mood and flushing stress-related toxins from your system. 

  1. Take a break

When you take a break from a project, you are actually fuelling your productivity and creativity. So, instead of plodding through a task when you lack energy, step away from your desk for a break. Stretch your legs, do some neck and shoulder exercises, or head outside for some daylight and fresh air. It’ll help recharge you so you can get the best from your day. 

Learn More

 At Sydney Spine and Sports Clinic, we put you first. We believe in offering chiropractic care that enables you to make informed and educated choices about your health. If you are suffering pain and would like to talk to us about how we can help you get mobile and active again – get in touch right here.