Survive the Silly Season: Tips to keep your health and exercise on track

christmas decorations

‘Tis the season for parties, celebrations and get togethers. The summer holidays hang just ahead; tantalising us with long, lazy days. Before that, the Silly Season can be full of end of year break-ups and concerts, friends to gather with, and family events to attend. At this busy, exciting – and exhausting -- time of year, it’s easy to get caught up in one or two bad habits. You might miss a workout here, and indulge in a few too many sweets there. Suddenly you find yourself feeling slow and sluggish by the New Year. Don’t get caught! Before the temptations of the Silly Season take you off-track, here’s our three top tips to keep up with the fun whilst not sacrificing your health and wellbeing: 

  1. Remember to eat well and stay hydrated

 As you find yourself hovering over the party spread, remember to munch on a wide variety of foods. Sure, enjoy some festive fare – just balance it with any seasonal fruit or salad options on offer. Summer boasts an array of delicious fruit (stone fruit, mangoes, melons and berries), great for a snack or to include in your lunch salad. In the warmer weather, it’s best to eat lighter meals and supplement them with healthy snacks. Drink water regularly and consider magnesium for rehydration and muscle cramps. Especially if you’ll be enjoying a seasonal tipple. 

  1. Spend time outdoors


Whether you’re relaxing at home or on holiday, remember to include some outdoor activity. Getting to a gym for a workout might not be possible, but keeping active is. Do some swimming laps whilst you’re at the beach with the family, head out for a hike, play backyard games (cricket, anyone?) with the kids, or go for a bike ride. Spending time outdoors is good for your body, mind and soul – perfect during a well-deserved break! Just don’t forget to take care of yourself outdoors during hot weather. Slip, slop slap! 

  1. Rest well

 Just because you’re on holidays doesn’t mean you should stay up to all hours and sleep in. Blasphemy, but it’s the truth! In fact, trying to maintain your regular sleep patterns during the Silly Season means you’ll get the quality rest your body needs. So, go to bed at your usual hour and rise at your usual hour. Keep away from screens up to an hour before bed and sleep in a spine-neutral position 

Learn more

 At Sydney Spine and Sports Clinic, we put you first. We believe in offering chiropractic care that enables you to make informed and educated choices about your health. If you are suffering pain or injury and would like to talk to us about how we can help you get mobile and active again – get in touch right here.


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