Is swimming good for lower back pain?: Try these swimming strokes if you’re feeling stiff and sore this season

woman swimming

Feeling a bit stiff in your lower back? It can be a debilitating discomfort and one that almost all of us experience. Swimming for lower back pain may be a beneficial form of recovery. Before you next reach for some pain medication, talk to your Sydney Spine chiropractor, or your trusted health professional, about how a few laps at your local swimming pool could help you relieve some of your aches and pains. 

Why swimming?

Swimming is a great sport for everybody. Whether you are eight or eighty, it’s a workout that tones all your major muscle groups whilst your body is completely supported. With the water taking on the load-bearing for you, your joints are getting a good break whilst you still get the benefit of a good aerobic workout.  Swimming for lower back pain is a technique that is not well known, but if done correctly and consistently, you will feel a major difference. What’s more -- swimming is a great way to maintain a healthy weight, boost your immune system and improve your posture.

Which strokes are best?

When it comes to lower back pain, it’s important that you first discuss an activity plan with your chiropractor to ensure you choose a stroke that will assist your recovery, not niggle an injury.

With the correct technique and form, freestyle and backstroke are generally preferred for lower back sufferers. Although you still undertake some twisting and turning of your trunk, what’s important is that these strokes minimise the extension of your back.

If swimming feels like too much of a stretch for you at first, you can still take advantage of a water workout. You could also try:

  • Water walking

  • Water jogging

  • Water exercises – a standing knee lift or one leg balance

Learn more

At Sydney Spine and Sports Clinic, we put you first. We believe in offering chiropractic care that enables you to make informed and educated choices about your health. If you are suffering pain or injury and would like to talk to us about how we can help you get mobile and active again – get in touch right here .

  • In order to prevent lower back pain while swimming, it is important to keep your body as straight and aligned as possible. It is also important to choose a stroke that does not put too much stress on the affected area.

  • Also known as the swimmer’s slouch where chest muscles tighten and back muscles loosen, “swimmers back” can be avoided by choosing strokes on your back rather than on your stomach.


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